HST Rebate Delays

Large Rocks in a field

HST Rebate Constant Delays

Dear readers using this application, 


I want to share my experience related to the HST Rebate Application, 013-0248 and the consistent delays. Since November 2017, I have been using the application every year using the direct deposit option. There are various reasons why I have used the application which I have listed near the bottom of my article. 


The Website and Application

The website and application has an excerpt “allow up to eight weeks for verification and processing of your claim.” Since 2017 there was 1 year when the Ontario Ministry of Finance (MOF) met the 8-week timeline.


Below is a summary of the timelines I experienced:


2017       4 applications -> about 16 weeks

2018       5 applications -> about 10 weeks

2019       3 applications -> within 8 weeks

2020       3 applications -> about 13 weeks

2021       4 applications -> about 23 weeks

2022       4 applications -> about 21 weeks

2023       6 applications -> about 31 weeks

2024       6 applications -> pending from November 18, 2024

Reasons for the Delays by the Ministry of Finance over the Years

I gave myself at least ten weeks for each submission before getting in touch with their office to inquire about its progress.


From 2017 to 2019, the reasons for the delays were that they were too busy and in one year they were unable to find my application and receipts, but they were eventually able to locate them.


In 2020, the reasons for the delays were that they were too busy and everyone was working from home and they were unsure when it will be completed. The pandemic years, March 2020 to March 2022 was unique for most and the time to adjust was reasonable. I asked for a senior person to verify how much longer it will be and was informed 2 weeks, which it was.


In 2021, the reason for the delay was that they were too busy and just started to work on applications received from 3 months prior. When I requested a senior person, they informed me that they were receiving additional resources to clean it up. I followed up 2 months later and they were working on 1 month prior and I followed up another month later and they were still working on the same month and I was told it will take an additional month.


In 2022, the reasons for the delays were that they were too busy and they hoped to finish them in the next several months, as well as the fact that they had more important things to work on. After following up again several months later, they said they have more resources and the service level was so much better, at 85 days now (17 weeks) but it’s still not completed and I asked for another senior person and was told they will call me and they never did.


In 2023, the reason for the delay was that they were too busy and they were assigning more resources. They received my applications on July 6th 2023 and in early September they said it will take another 8 to 10 weeks. I followed up again after another 12 weeks and I did not hear back. I was able to reach their office and they said they are still working on the same months as they mentioned back in September and do not know when it will be completed.


At the end of November 2023, I contacted their office and the reason for the delay was that they need to be fair by being equitable to everyone and they have a ‘First In’ and ‘First Out’ process. That’s inevitable, they’ve been going through this process all along, so that new justification doesn’t ‘hold water’. The real problem is sharing a timeline for so many years and not being able to meet or maintain it.


In 2024, the reason for the delay was that they were too busy. They said they received a higher volume of the First Nations HST Rebate application due to the postal strike and that’s why my claim is delayed this time. I asked when they think they will be able to complete it, and they said they are still working on new applications received from September 2024 right now, so it will not be anytime soon.


Again, their new reasoning does not make any sense:


  • The postal strike took place from November 15, 2024 to December 16, 2024
  • As of January 27, 2025, they are currently working on applications received from September 2024. The strike has no bearing on this.
  • I used another courier and they confirmed it was delivered to their office on November 18, 2024
  • I use direct deposit for the proceeds.

They are still working on new HST rebate applications received from September 2024 and have made a decision to blame the postal strike. They advised they do not know when mine will be completed, but it will likely be another few months to process the claim.


I will update this when I hear back.


After hearing the same type of reason over and over again or new creative ones for nearly 8 years, I began to contact other senior people, other agencies and some were helpful and some were not.


The call I made with another senior person at the MOF in November 2023 was not that promising. They looked into my file of applications and all the years of delays I have experienced as outlined above. They said they will work on meeting the timeline of 8 weeks going forward, however it will not be anytime soon.

What I found out today

Now that it’s January 27, 2025, I wanted to know whether there was additional information regarding the application and procedures and this is what I discovered:

1) For many years, their website has displayed the delay message with minor changes. The archives show the delay message was first added on their website in February 2016 and it’s been there every day until today.


Result: For nearly 9 years, 469 weeks of delays every day. Everyone is affected by the ongoing delays and it’s unclear how the expression ‘runs like a business’ applies. During the minor changes they’ve made about the delays, they’ve used the terms ‘currently’ and ‘higher than usual’ every day for 9 years.


Click here for the delay messages.


Years - 9
Weeks - 469
Days - 3329

2) The application 013-0248 was updated December 2023 and the ‘eight week’ excerpt was removed completely, however the timeline of eight weeks is indicated on their website with a note underneath indicating they are currently experiencing delays.


Result: What was the purpose of removing the 8 week timeline on the application and keeping it on their website only? Also, they’ve indicated, any claims received on the old rebate application can still be processed. Not everyone will check the website every time they complete an application.


Click here for the excerpt on the application. Click here for the excerpt on the website.

3) I was not able to locate a ‘version history list’ indicating when the content on the application or websites were updated and what content was updated.


Result: No one will know what arbitrary updates are being made on the application or the website unless they try to sift through each possible update through the archives.


I have included the applications that I have kept over the years for your awareness of other possible changes.

2017     |     2018     |     2020     |     2023

If you’re like me, I have saved the application to my hard drive since the latest version of adobe does not cooperate all the time from their website.

First Nations Card

There is an option to use my card at the point-of-sale which I try to use as often as possible. The majority of shops are familiar with the procedure and sometimes it’s easier to accept the receipt and submit the application 013-0248 for the following reasons:


1) More retailers have self-checkout that often makes it difficult to locate a cashier to process it.

2) Some retailers have a lot of extra steps i.e. writing a date that is already on the receipt etc., thereby holding up lines for others.

3) Some retailers do not accept the card.

4) Some online retailers insist on photocopies which contradict the rule about photocopies and some websites are being hacked without the proper security.

5) Some online retailers do not have this option set up within their website.

6) Some retailers tell people to go to the government to file it.

7) Some retailers refuse the card without taking a photocopy of it, which is not allowed.

8) Some retailers are unsure how to process it, resulting in extra time for them and other people.

9) Some retailers share unwanted comments or glares and some days I’m in too good of a mood.


I wanted to share my experience as I know there are people who have experienced the same. I also wanted to try and capture the historical information in case there are changes made in the future.


There are so many opportunities of great systems and resources that have existed long before 2017 for any office environment. If they follow-through with some of their solutions they’ve mentioned over the years to meet the 8 weeks’ timeline and maintain it, I am sure applying it, will help.




Sheila Golding – January 27, 2025


Application 2017 PDF – Anishinabek

URL: https://www.anishinabek.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/0248E-1.pdf

 Application 2018 PDF – Anishinabek

URL: https://www.anishinabek.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Refund-for-First-Nations.pdf

Application 2010 PDF – Chippewas of the Thames

URL: https://cottfn.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/0248E-After-Sep-1-2010.pdf

Application 2020 PDF – Squarespace


Website for Application 2023 PDF – Ontario Central Forms Repository (CFR) Application for Rebate

URL: https://forms.mgcs.gov.on.ca/en/dataset/013-0248

Website: HST Ontario First Nations rebate

URL: https://www.ontario.ca/document/harmonized-sales-tax-hst/hst-ontario-first-nations-rebate

Transcript of calls and emails

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